This is old, but this is when Matt taught
Hallie how to be a Flower girl.
For: Janet
We missed this. I can't believe it.

Great job, Annie.

"WEIRD. When I move, that baby on the screen moves, too."

**So just in case this does not make any sense, I recorded
this video on my laptop. When I record that way, she can see
herself live on the screen while it records. That's why she
doesn't quite understand what's going on.
So. Funny.
Oh, Guy...

Stop hibernating. I mean it.
I'm no drum set, without the kick drum.
We need to have another business meeting.
I'll bring the mascot.

Okay. Let me explain.
Hallie has been sick. I mean "I'm gonna throw up if I have to change another one of those diapers" sick. Well yesterday morning she was just sitting in her chair sort-of eating some cheerios. She was so snuggly and not crazy like she usually is, so I took the opportunity to straighten her hair (HA!) and then I gave her her first little haircut.
She looks plain crazy with her hair straight. Not a good look, Hal. At least until you grow that hair in from your ears forward around your face.
But it was pretty funny. Thanks for the laugh.

Oh yeah. Emily came by to "share" her sucker to see if she could get
sick, too. I told her it was a bad idea. Oh well, at least she got to put
her swon boots to good use.

Rob. Bell.


I feel like
My mind is is like a little heater.
I haven't thought this much in a while.
I think I'm warmed up now.

If you have time to watch these

Hey Santa.
Just in case my letter didn't make it...

Wow. Okay. So. I guess it's time. Maybe I'll show you the pictures first?

Here's the little peanut's tiny baby face.

And if you're a professional, tiny thing has its hand in its mouth.

Um. Foot.

So there it is!! It was so cute moving around and kicking and biting its nails.
I think Matt was the most silent I've ever seen him. We both just sat there.
And stared at the TV screen with our baby projected on it.
So. Surreal. I mean, I know I've done this before, but it is still such a strange & beautiful experience.

We decided not to tell anyone what it is.

JUST KIDDING. I'll let Hallie tell you.