

Well life as I know it will soon be over: Hallie is on her way to crawling. She hasn't gotten the hang of it just yet but she sticks her little bum in the air and scoots across the floor. She is so sweet. I love that I get to play with her everyday. She makes me laugh and keeps me on my toes. I just love her so much!!! 
In other news--I have had a hummingbird feeder outside my window for a couple months and NOBODY comes to visit it...until NOW! I had a little friendly bird come and take a sip on his way past my house and it was the coolest thing ever. I don't know what happened but i'm turning into my mother.  I always wondered why people put bird feeders out to stare at birds and now I know. They are SO much fun. So my next birdy adventure is a finch feeder so I can watch them in the winter. WOOHOO!

Congratulations Chelsea! Hallie can't wait to have her new friend over to play. She won't quit talking about it. 

Barbie, you are crazy. 
So...who wants to come hang out?
I feel loved when...

The Five Love Languages

My Primary Love Language is Quality Time

My Detailed Results:
Quality Time: 12
Words of Affirmation: 7
Receiving Gifts: 4
Acts of Service: 4
Physical Touch: 3

About this quiz

Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.

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she's riding the grammy-coaster

HAHA look at her face...

Cool kids with their shades...

nap time!

pookie's pooped

getting ready to ride up drop tower, and then free fall 315 feet 
scares the crap out of me every time, but it's AWESOME

King's Island! It was so much fun. I was a little nervous to take Hallie because I wasn't sure if she would be totally overstimulated and not sleep at all or I just didn't know what to expect really. As always though she was incredible. She just hung out in the stroller and looked around at everything, slept when she got tired and let me know when she was hungry. She's like super-baby (to me anyways). In my head I'm thinking "this was supposed to be way harder". We are truly blessed. So now it's back to the norm, but we had so much fun. Thank you Mellingers.

she's doing way too much and growing way too much. it's hard to keep everyone updated, but here's a video i just took today of hallie in her new jumpy thing. she loves it as you will soon see. i've been trying to get a video of her trying to crawl but she stops every time i get the camera, but i'll keep trying!

well the pictures are backwards, but you get the idea: FUN