
When Hallie was eating lunch a few days ago, she had pieces of her sandwich scattered all around. She grabbed a piece and held it out as far as her little arm would go and shouted, "In my mouth! Ready, GO!" and proceeded to shove the food in her mouth as fast as she could. She is way more funny than I could ever be.

AND GUY! His sneezes are the best. EVERY. TIME. He makes a strange shouting noise, sneezes twice (always) and then coos like that was the best sneeze in the entire world. He is the sweetest baby. Never makes me work for a baby smile.
So here's the story: We bought all the stuff to make chocolate covered strawberries just for fun and because they are delicious! While I was making them, I was talking to Matt the whole time about something I don't even remember, but he was just watching me with a funny face. I finally finished and realized that he was still staring at me. I didn't understand until I looked down and saw all of the strawberries facing the same direction and pretty much lined up perfectly. He just started laughing. I did this all on autopilot. I had no idea I was doing it. It's in my DNA I swear. So I need to say:
Thank you Daddy-o for the major OCD.

My beautiful daughter. She's hit yet another milestone.
Tonight while I was giving her a bath she was playing with her tommy train toys. I was done with the chase-you-around-the-tub-while-I-wash-you section of bath time, so she was just playing. I pulled the drain to let the water out and she LOVES putting her toys away. So she proceeds to put her toys away but stops when she grabs 2 of the trains. She looks at them, faces them towards each other, and MAKES THEM KISS over and over and over. She looks at me and giggles and says, "Kissing!"
She makes her toys kiss now. Really?
Girl time!
Thanks Maddie, for the fun.
I'm sorry Hallie scares you most of the time.
We will work on that.

I survived. I did. I made it out alive.

I love them.
I love them.
I love them!

They grow up so fast.

Are you kidding me?

It's just a regular day, so I thought? I'm putting Hallie in her room for her nap and she was freaking out because she didn't want to go in her crib. She has NEVER done this before. I put her down from trying to lift her into the crib and she ran over to her bed. ( Yes there is a daybed and a crib in her room right now) So I thought "okay, why not?" I snuggled her all in with her THREE pacifiers and her blanky. I moved the monitor from Guy's room so that I could spy on her through the one way walkie talkie and walked away and closed the door. Five minutes go by and the only thing I have heard is her say one time "snuggle mama". Ten minutes... Fifteen minutes... WHAT! She's totally asleep in her big, I take that back,HUGE bed! You have got to be kidding! She hasn't even slept on a pillow before.
I am now the proud owner of a big girl who sleeps in a grown-up bed.
At least for one nap?

* Notice all of the pillows and bean bag beneath her.
I don't have a rail yet so I improvised.

Next step: those things on the door so she can't get out
in the middle of the night/morning.


Hallie had her first brain freeze.
She was eating all my ice out of my cup and
suddenly ran into the garage and threw herself
on the floor and was sticking her tongue out
and yelling. All I could do was laugh. I love her.



When Super Why asks a question, Hallie answers.
She talks to the cartoons now!
Every. Day.