You know how the weather has been frigid lately? I feel like I've been in hibernation with my baby for weeks even though it's only been a few days. I might just go nuts if the sun doesn't shine soon and warm up the air. Good news though: my car is still running even though it's -14 outside.
OK, so, I've had this strange dialogue with God lately. I think He wants me to teach sunday school. This is crazy to me and I think He's off his rocker because out of EVERYONE that I know, I know the least about the bible. I mean don't get me wrong I'm in the process of reading/learning/experiencing Jesus through the bible, but to teach little pumpkins??! Matt has told me numerous times that he thinks that I should and I just got a newsletter from the church in the mail saying that they are in need of volunteers in children's ministry, and will be in even more need when the new service times start. I'm not even sure how to go about it. ugh. I hate not being in control, but I know that what I need to do is just let go and hold everything with open hands. I think that's the hardest thing in the world to do. (besides raise a child...:) So who knows what the future has in store, but it's really fun to actually hear God sometimes and know that it's Him sending signals. It makes me feel like I'm being protected and watched over. 


Chubz said...

Megan! You should do it! I think you would be great for something like that. And you know what? You really don't have to know too much about the bible other than the basic stuff like noah and jesus dying for us and all that jazz. But you are a great mommy and are wonderful with kiddies so i think that would be great for you. You should keep praying about it!

I wanted to hang out last week... but things got crazy.. and then freezing. However, I really plan on trying to come over soon. Hallie and Maddi are growing to fast to hang out as ....unoften as we do. I am going to figure out what days I have to work this week and let you know ok??

theprodu----- gosh i can't believe i do this crap now. But i can't stop

TARA! said...

ha. chelsea. "all that jazz"

i agree with her.
just tell them "jesus died for us & all that jazz, let's eat cookies"

we should make this morning a regular thing. i'll bring snacks next week.
i like you.
AND the comment code is
oilyto. oh i love you to(o)?


Megan said...

amazing. and i agree. i like the snacks. but maybe next time let's make them more stealth.

TARA! said...

yeah, like push pops or something.