Can't sleep.
Can't breathe.
Back ache.
I'm almost ready to snuggle you up
but you should stay in there just a little
while longer.
I'm not finished nesting.
Crazy annoying nesting.
I'm annoying you're dad, I think?

We missed a week. I'm sorry.
I just didn't want to get the stomach flu
that was floating around the Webster house.
No, thank you.
BUT I have been rather tired lately.
I wonder why? Guy is getting bigger and stronger.
Do I dare say that he moves more than Hallie did?
Crap. I'm in for it.

(while watching the opening ceremonies)

Megan: Do we have to watch the parade of nations?
Matt: YES! I like to see what everyone looks like
Megan: Fine...
Matt: For some reason I keep thinking that all the Germans will look like Hitler.
Matt: Are they the swiss?
Matt: Oh.
Megan: What do we look like?
Matt: All of them.


30 Weeks.
I'm in denial.
I mean I know there's a baby in there
but it still doesn't feel real yet.
OH! And guess what?
Your room is almost ready!
I'm making sure that it's nice and cozy.
At least that's what your dad thinks anyway.

and Go Colts.

Wanna win a camera?