20 Reasons why I love Janie
1. She ALWAYS makes me laugh. Always.
2. She needs me as much as I need her.
3. She can fit 28 grapes in her cheeks.
4. Even though I don't get to see her very much,
We can always pick up where we left off.
5. We always seem to go to movie theaters when
no one else is there. The entire theater to ourselves.
6. Speaking of movies...
7. One of her favorite things is the beach. (I think you actually
saw it once right?)
8. She loves my kid(s) more than I do I think?
9. She let me cut her hair BEFORE I knew what I was doing.
10. She would always come snuggle if I was scared of the storm.
11. She makes the best turkey sandwiches. (And the best "toast")
12. Best. Chinese. Food. Ever.
13. Only she understands the best thing ever invented. Drum Corps.
14. She helped me change Hallie's tiny clothes when I didn't know how
and will be there this time too.
15. She has so much trust and faith. I don't know how she does it. She's amazing.
16. She was my friend before... and after
17. She goes along with my crazy ideas, like meeting strangers from the internet.
18. Puppets!
19. I think we might speak our own language?
20. I know that God has amazing things in store for her and I can't wait to be a part of it all.
Janet, you're my best friend. Ever. Ever.