The road trip was fun. I never realized how much
I took for granted before we had Hallie. We
may not get the quantity of time that we used
to have, but I will make sure it's quality time
now. It was fun to just be together without
so much responsibility, but when I got home
and saw Hallie I wasn't expecting the flood of
emotion that came over me the moment I
saw her. (of course wearing her tink pj's) And
then all day Saturday all she wanted to do was
snuggle. That was a first. It felt so good to just
hang out with her while she's not trying to
escape being held. I love her. I love her. And
she's becoming more and more like Matt
EVERYDAY. It's pretty crazy. I'll get a video
of her new "thing" soon hopefully. She meows.
love it!
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