look at his feet, they hahaha
argh argh arghhhh he's all out of breath and it's my favorite.
perfect score. perfect score.
fat kid on the bicycle is very funny.
keep typing what im saying right now.
oh bless his heart. this is not okay.
this harts. just bloggin. i'm gonna die. it's not funny
status to what? what are you typing so much? so cryptic.
go where? there's so many letters and they're so little.
i want some string cheese. whassat? what are you writing on there?
that's someone who put a bunch of baby powder on their butt.
i hate white belts. type that.
i thought it was on your favorites. is this hanson? this is gonna be huge.
i love it.
p.s. realize this is scotch taped to a picture that already exists.
don't lift of that picture. happy hour is over.
somewhere kyle has a suit on and he's dancing with another boy. that's me dude.
crap everyone is gonna hate us. it's whatever. it's my life.
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