At dinner, almost every night, we ask each other what was our favorite thing we got to do today.  Sometimes we just say "Who likes _____ ?" For example, "Who likes going swimming?"
Last night here is what happened:
Hallie:  Who likes mac n cheese?
Everyone:  ME!
Hallie:  Who likes turkey sandwiches?
Everyone:  ME!
Guy:  Who likes Stella?
Me:  Who is Stella?
Guy:  OH, you know, it's like you drink it.

OH. NO.  My son knows my beer of choice.
We could NOT stop laughing.
Me:  I love you all the way to the moon.
Guy:  I love you all the way to the back of the moon!

So it has been a week now that I've sent Hallie to KINDERGARTEN.  It has probably been the hardest thing that I've had to do yet, as a parent.  She is loving that she gets to ride the bus, although she doesn't get to sit next to Carson. Somehow she manages ;) I did NOT expect these feelings of loss, fear, and anxiety (just to name a few).  Guy is having a hard time adjusting, too.  He misses his big sister. We all do.  I know she is going to do so great and have so much fun, but for now we are all just making the big adjustment to the school years.
I love you, Hallie girl. 

Guy:  I have to hold you, Hallie. I miss you.