I'm about to unleash a whole lot of pictures that
have been waiting to be shown to you.
So they are from Hallie's 2 year photoshoot
& Guy's newborn shoot.
We are a crazy household right now.
I'm going to do my best with keeping
everyone updated.
Guy is doing great!
The only time he cries is when he's hungry
or needs some snuggle time
which is so weird for me because Hal is SO not like that.
She is warming up to him slowly but surely.
I caught her petting his head and saying "so nice".
So here come the pictures...

We made it to 40 weeks.
I'm a little bit late on getting this up
because the man himself has arrived!
(5 days AFTER we took these pictures)
I was so anxious and nervous
for the big day to come.
I planted lots of flowers
and walked EVERYWHERE.
Your sister helped me
by being herself and
running around like a crazy animal
for me to chase.


39 weeks
This week I've felt like
9 months isn't long enough
to let it all sink in.
I'm wondering if I'm going
to remember how to do
everything right?
And if you're going to be a
good sleeper like your sister?
And how our lives will change?
I'm excited. I'm nervous.
Any day now.
I might miss the little shelf you've made though.

...those lips

38 Weeks
and it could be anytime now.
It feels like you're living
in my legs now.
And on top of it all
I've had a nasty cold all week.
Not. Fun.
We're all anxious for you to be here.
You're Grandpa is coming
to build you a closet today!
I think that will finish up your nursery.
So at least wait until he's finished
if you decide to come early.
Someone make me THESE!
It will help after I have this baby boy. I promise.
Need to write it down so that I remember:

I was putting Hallie to bed and she was freaking out because she didn't have TWO pacifiers. So I give her both of them and she says that she's ready to snuggle. I'm snuggling her and she says "twinkle star" so I sing twinkle, twinkle little star. I finish the song and she sits there for a minute and says, "bbc's". I procede to sing the ABC song. She sits for a minute. "Tree". She wants me to sing the caterpillar song so I do. After that's over she says, "Nap". So I put her in her crib and she laid right down and went to sleep.
She's a girl who knows what she wants.
Oh, I love her.