Dr. Pepper.
I don't know why?
I just want it. Alot.
I'm not saying I drink it everyday. I just want it.
I heard your tiny baby heartbeat this week&
Dr. B told me that your little head is
down and your feet are in the perfect
place to kick my ribs all day.
Hallie is getting excited to see you.
She thinks you live in her belly.
I ask her, "Where is the baby?"
and she shows me her belly.
She'll get it soon.

Baby Genius.


(every night or else...)

You were right. I love them.
I'm gonna go ahead and pretend
that it's all real, too. So there.
Justin, You will forever have my 15 year old heart. 

I'm making these today in remembrance of being in 6th grade.
Tara, I bet we could sell these in your store.

Oh, the days are flying by.
I have so much cleaning and planning
to do before you get here.
Your little kicks don't feel so little
anymore& it makes me TIRED.
(or maybe that's just your sister?)
Either way, I still say the coolest feeling
in the world is feeling a baby move
in your belly.

You poor little thing. You have the hiccups EVERY day.
And I think you're trying to escape
when you stick your butt way out of my side.
Plus it makes me look lopsided.
Knock it off.


Just disregard me yelling at the end.
It was so windy and the snow was blowing everywhere.
We tied the blanket around her head.
It's okay.
She loved it.

  • Break out the sparkling apple juice—baby has now completed two-thirds of his stay in Hotel Womb. Your baby is about 1 2/3 pounds and is 14 inches long head-to-heel, or about the length of a burp cloth (otherwise known as your primary wardrobe accessory for the next several months).

WEIRD. It's going too fast. Slow down in there!
If someone will buy this for Guy's nursery, I would love you forever. Any takers?