What do you mean you don't know what we are?
I'm wearing pajamas. Isn't it kind of obvious?
Guess not...

In exactly one month
we will know whether
you are a

Story of my life.

"mama. mama. mama.
mama. mama. mama."

What Hallie?


Hallie, You left your fairy dust all over the living room.
I love it.
Thank you.

So maybe I knew the dance. And loved it.

Anniversary time again? Really? This is going way too fast. Let's slow it down today and enjoy it.
I know we are still learning, but you are a GREAT husband. When times are good and when they are...
well...now. We still have each other and God knows what He's doing. Thank you for all of your hard work,
but for now, Let's stop and smell the rainy day. And maybe some flowers.

I Love You.

p.s. Hallie says you make the best mac n cheese. nummy.
and those pictures were only a year ago.

Hallie loves ladybugs.
I mean she loves to KILL ladybugs.
In a stomping kind of way.

Hallie dislikes caterpillars.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised.

JOB 1:21


A 10-year old English girl named Laura Buxton released a balloon into the sky with the note: "Please send back to Laura Buxton". It flew south over England and landed in the yard of another 10-year old girl, whose name also happened to be Laura Buxton! When they met, they were identical in height, hair color, and both wore a similar pink jumpers and jeans. Not to mention, they each brought their pet guinea pig.

Really? Is it real? Can life be that awesome and ironic?

Here's the Radiolab story.

Interesting study done in many different videos, where the same question has been asked to many different people. This video specifically asks, “Where would you most like to wake up?”
That's a hard one.
What would you answer?
It’s kind of a beautiful/poetic study. Makes you realize how different people are…in the most appreciative way possible. I love it.

Happy Hallieween 2009

They didn't have you where I come from 
Never knew the best was yet to come 
Life began when I saw your face 
And I hear your laugh like a serenade  
How long do you want to be loved Is forever enough? 
Cause I'm never, never giving you up  
I slip in bed when you're asleep 
To hold you close and feel your breath on me 
Tomorrow there'll be so much to do 
So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you 
As you wander through this troubled world In search of all things beautiful 
You can close your eyes when you're miles away And hear my voice like a serenade  
How long do you want to be loved Is forever enough? Cause I'm never, never giving you up

Stuckey Farms.
Year Two.

From this point on, she was not seen without an apple (or two) in her hands.