Someone learn how to bottle the smell of my house with open windows. GO.

Why do I love it SO much?
I don't know, but it makes me happy.
Take me back. Please.

Written by Janet Selby
Choreographed by Kyra Davies

Screw being TSwift's friend.
I want to BE Taylor Swift.

" i think and think and think,
i've thought myself out of happiness one million times,
but never once into it.

I get really proud of Hallie
for the dumbest things.
This morning I was so proud
of her for not shoving her
whole piece of toast in her mouth.
She was taking tiny little
bites and it was so cute.
I was thinking in my head
that I need to remember
this so that I can blog about it...

then she shoved the rest of
the thing in her mouth.
So much for that.
So I've been telling Hallie "no"
Because she keeps hitting/slapping
anything and everything
in sight when she's frustrated (and even when she's not).
So I'm laying here on the couch
trying to just take a break from the day
and she is off in the corner playing with some blocks.

All of a sudden I realize what is happening.
She's telling every single one of her blocks "no"
in the exact same tone and way that I have
been telling her no all day. I couldn't help but laugh.
Hallie you're the best even when you frustrate the crap out of me.
Please be my friend in real life.

Things I like, &One I HATE.
you decide.


For, Janet




Thanks Tuesday. You would.