Dear 2009,

I'm excited for you. Don't get me wrong, 2008 was great, but I'm ready for 12 new months.
What kind of surprises do you have for me this year?


probably the best night ever
i have a bruise where from the base drum on my shin!
i wish i could remember the sugar coated world song
i love igloos
and blue helmets
we're having our own party

EDIT: i spy with my little eye a CUP
shh it's travis, don't move
Please please please listen to the most incredibly um...AWESOME song ever (and it just so happens to be about my hometown-Olney)

need i say that i'm tired?

My little girl is getting to be such a stinker! She is getting into everything imaginable. She thinks she can crawl up the stairs, she pushes all the buttons on the tv, she pulls out all the movies and throws them everywhere, and then there's the christmas tree...we won't go there! hahha I love it.  She's the best! OH and her most favorite toy: her carseat. She will play in that thing for hours if I let her. Who knew it would be so much fun?

The little musician.