Happy Thanksgiving!
Top 10 Reasons Why YOU Should Love Your Cast

10. It makes a great scratching post.
9.  You only have to wash 1 hand.
8.  ilopoof
7.  You get to go to Cracker Barrel.
6.  You can STILL do the cheerleading routine.
5.  Purple. 
4.  You get your very own top 10 list.
3.  slearta
2.  Mickey Mouse?
1.  You fell down the stairs. 

9 Reasons NOT to date a tyrannasaurus rex


Janey, oh Janey, How I miss you so. 
Please come to me soon.
I need more of this.

*i just realized that you are always on the left and i'm on the right

dear mom,

i'm trying my darndest to get a new video on here, but apparently the one i have been trying to put on here is too long. so now i have to get a new one. i will do this as quick as i can. i love you and so does hallie.
we miss you.

